Friday, June 01, 2007
The Red Covered Book: Milarepa
About four years ago before being part of the film Milarepa I was just a student attending my classes from morning to evening. On one of those boring days I decided to clean my garage, which was crowded with trashes to treasures. I stumbled across a red covered book and picked it up. The cover read, “Tibet’s Great Yogi Milarepa.” I had heard of Milarepa and that he was a great yogi who reached enlightenment in one lifetime. That was the only knowledge I knew about him at that time. So, after finding the book I had forgotten why I came in the garage in the first place. With the book in my hand I went straight to my room and started reading. At that time, little did I know that this would be one of my all time favorite books and that it would play a role in my near future.
Once I started reading the book, there was no turning back. I felt like I was right there next to Milarepa from his birth till his enlightenment. Of course, the hardships we face today is nowhere near comparison to what Milarepa went through. By reading the book you will know what I am talking about or you can watch the movie, which will be out in the near future. The down fall is that this movie is just the beginning of Milarepa’s life story and all the hardships he goes through will only be seen in the next part. For that reason, I believe by supporting the first movie, there is better chance in making the next part sooner.
Talk about the movie, this is how I became apart of the movie. After multiple times of crying while reading the book I realized I was finished with the book before I knew it. After that, Milarepa was always on the back of my mind and I was totally inspired and taken away by his life story. I couldn’t stop talking about him; I would start telling his stories to my friends and family. Few months pasted. And one late evening, I got a call from the director and he asked me if I would like to play a role in his up coming film, Milarepa. Well, when I heard that I thought I was dreaming. I was not in shocked but I was more like, “Are you for real?” That time I was getting ready to go back to my fall semester classes. So, what do I do? I said, “When, and where?” I took the semester off, and took a flight out to New Delhi, India. That was where my journey began. I felt like the luckiest person a live. Don’t you think so? First, Milarepa came into my life in a book form and after I got to actually exist in his time while filming the movie. Wow, what a wonderful experience it was.
Well, this is my story on how Milarepa came into my life and how I took part in his. Most importantly, I am grateful for that day when I found the red covered book in my garage.
Friday, February 16, 2007
A song sung by Milarepa at Chuwar
Those who saw me or heard me,
Those who remember my story,
Those who have only heard of it and of my name.
May those who emulate my life and meditate,
Those who ask for, narrate and listen to my story,
Those who read and venerate it,
Those who follow my example in their lives,
May they find me in Buddha's Pure Land.
May those who practice the Dharma through asceticism
Harvest immeasurable merits.
To those who encourage others to follow this path,
Immeasurable gratitude is due.
May those who hear my story receive immeasurable blessings.
Through these three immeasurable blessings,
May those who only hear my story achieve liberation,
May those who meditate upon it fulfill their aim.
Those who saw or heard me,
Those who remember my story,
Those who have only heard of it and of my name.
May those who emulate my life and meditate,
Those who ask for, narrate and listen to my story,
Those who read and venerate it,
Those who follow my example in their lives,
May they find me in the Buddha's Pure Land.
May those who practice the Dharma through asceticism
Harvest immeasurable merits.
To those who encourage others to follow this path,
Immeasurable gratitude is due.
May those who hear my story receive immeasurable blessings.
Through these three immeasurable blessings,
May those who only hear my story achieve liberation,
May those who meditate upon it fulfill their aim.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
My experience
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche as Milarepa

Few months back, I was told to clean and dust an old leather suitcase. This suitcase held Neten Chokling’s most precious possession: his photo collection of his root teacher, H.H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. I went through the contents of this leather bag. Amidst many beautiful photos of Khyentse Rinpoche, there was this photo of Khyentse Rinpoche posing as Milarepa!
A rainbow over Gyurmeling Monastery

The monks of Gyurmeling Monastery (India and Tibet) feel very privileged to be able to take part in the bringing of Milarepa’s story to the world. They believe that they have contributed something precious towards the world. They believe that the messages within the film will contribute towards a better world. This is Universal Responsibility in its different form.
Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche

Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche, the oldest son of the IIIrd Chokling Rinpoche was one of the key figures in bringing the life of Milarepa to the screen. He assisted Neten Chokling Rinpoche (IVth Chokling Rinpoche and the reincarnation of his father) to his best potential.
When the IIIrd Chokling Rinpoche passed away, Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche was only 21 years old. The present Neten Chokling Rinpoche was brought down from his birth
Orgyen Topgyal Rinpoche was not only playing the role of Yungtron Trogyal but as of the art historian on the set.